Results for 'Marcelle A. Abell'

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  1. Real patterns and indispensability.Abel Suñé & Manolo Martínez - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4315-4330.
    While scientific inquiry crucially relies on the extraction of patterns from data, we still have a far from perfect understanding of the metaphysics of patterns—and, in particular, of what makes a pattern real. In this paper we derive a criterion of real-patternhood from the notion of conditional Kolmogorov complexity. The resulting account belongs to the philosophical tradition, initiated by Dennett :27–51, 1991), that links real-patternhood to data compressibility, but is simpler and formally more perspicuous than other proposals previously defended in (...)
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  2. Art: What it Is and Why it Matters.Catharine Abell - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (3):671-691.
    In this paper, I provide a descriptive definition of art that is able to accommodate the existence of bad art, while illuminating the value of good art. This, I argue, is something that existing definitions of art fail to do. I approach this task by providing an account according to which what makes something an artwork is the institutional process by which it is made. I argue that Searle’s account of institutions and institutional facts shows that the existence of all (...)
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    El más allá en el teatro de Gabriel Marcel.Marcel Belay - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (82):521-534.
    The article focuses on one of the central themes of Gabriel Marcel’s thought: the afterlife and the presence of the dead. Marcel approaches such a “mystery” through his plays, one of the most important aspects of his thought.
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  4. The Crux of Crucial Experiments: Duhem's Problems and Inference to the Best Explanation.Marcel Weber - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (1):19-49.
    Going back at least to Duhem, there is a tradition of thinking that crucial experiments are impossible in science. I analyse Duhem's arguments and show that they are based on the excessively strong assumption that only deductive reasoning is permissible in experimental science. This opens the possibility that some principle of inductive inference could provide a sufficient reason for preferring one among a group of hypotheses on the basis of an appropriately controlled experiment. To be sure, there are analogues to (...)
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  5. The Epistemic Value of Photographs.Catharine Abell - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki, Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    There is a variety of epistemic roles to which photographs are better suited than non-photographic pictures. Photographs provide more compelling evidence of the existence of the scenes they depict than non-photographic pictures. They are also better sources of information about features of those scenes that are easily overlooked. This chapter examines several different attempts to explain the distinctive epistemic value of photographs, and argues that none is adequate. It then proposes an alternative explanation of their epistemic value. The chapter argues (...)
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  6. On outlining the shape of depiction.Catharine Abell - 2005 - Ratio 18 (1):27–38.
    In this paper, I discuss the account of depiction proposed by Robert Hopkins in his book Picture, Image and Experience. I first briefly summarise Hopkins’s account, according to which we experience depictions as resembling their objects in respect of outline shape. I then ask whether Hopkins’s account can perform the explanatory tasks required of an adequate account of depiction. I argue that there are at least two reasons for which Hopkins’s account of depiction is inadequate. Firstly, the notion of outline (...)
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    The Morphological Metamorphosis of Thetis in Catullus’ Poem 64.Ábel Tamás - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (3):405-408.
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    Consciousness in Contemporary Science.Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach.
    The significance of consciousness in modern science is discussed by leading authorities from a variety of disciplines. Presenting a wide-ranging survey of current thinking on this important topic, the contributors address such issues as the status of different aspects of consciousness; the criteria for using the concept of consciousness and identifying instances of it; the basis of consciousness in functional brain organization; the relationship between different levels of theoretical discourse; and the functions of consciousness.
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    Graph-based inductive reasoning.Marcel Boumans - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 59 (C):1-10.
  10. Pictorial realism.Catharine Abell - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):1 – 17.
    I propose a number of criteria for the adequacy of an account of pictorial realism. Such an account must: explain the epistemic significance of realistic pictures; explain why accuracy and detail are salient to realism; be consistent with an accurate account of depiction; and explain the features of pictorial realism. I identify six features of pictorial realism. I then propose an account of realism as a measure of the information pictures provide about how their objects would look, were one to (...)
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  11. Against Depictive Conventionalism.Catharine Abell - 2005 - American Philosophical Quarterly 42 (3):185 - 197.
    In this paper, I discuss the influential view that depiction, like language, depends on arbitrary conventions. I argue that this view, however it is elaborated, is false. Any adequate account of depiction must be consistent with the distinctive features of depiction. One such feature is depictive generativity. I argue that, to be consistent with depictive generativity, conventionalism must hold that depiction depends on conventions for the depiction of basic properties of a picture’s object. I then argue that two considerations jointly (...)
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  12. Lewis Carroll's visual logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (1):1-17.
    John Venn and Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) created systems of logic diagrams capable of representing classes (sets) and their relations in the form of propositions. Each is a proof method for syllogisms, and Carroll's is a sound and complete system. For a large number of sets, Carroll diagrams are easier to draw because of their self-similarity and algorithmic construction. This regularity makes it easier to locate and thereby to erase cells corresponding with classes destroyed by the premises of an (...)
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    Filosofía y ruralidades. Presentación.Abel P. Pazos - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 121:7-14.
    En contraposición a la predominancia cultural de lo urbano y en medio de un contexto de desenfrenado capitalismo globalizador, el VIII Congreso sobre Pensamiento Filosófico Contemporáneo se planteó el desafío de recoger algunas voces y discursos a menudo marginados por el canon del pensamiento occidental metrocentrista. A lo largo de esos tres días de octubre, en el congreso se analizaron pormenorizadamente las situaciones de sujetos, comunidades y geografías rurales, situaciones que tienden a ser activamente desescuchadas en un presente espacial que (...)
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    Manuscritos Filosóficos Coloniales conservados en el Archivo Nacional Histórico de Santiago de Chile / Colonial Philosophical Manuscripts Preserved in the National Historical Archive of Santiago de Chile. Abel Aravena Zamora.Abel Aravena Zamora - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:289.
    Our knowledge about colonial philosophical manuscripts preserved in the «Fondo Antiguo» and «Fondo Varios» at the National Historical Archive is limited almost exclusively to its listing and location. In some cases, there is a very brief description of the contents, identification of their philosophical tendency and some information about their authors. In order to expand our knowledge about them, we have tried here, on the one hand, to provide a more detailed description of the contents of the works, and, on (...)
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    Positive business: doing good and doing well.Marcel Meyer - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):175-197.
    This article investigates the meaning of doing good and doing well in positive business. It examines the relationship between the two expressions and discusses their relevance, shedding new light on the significance of ‘positive’ in positive business and positive organizational scholarship. Thus, this article illuminates the ultimate end of positive states and practices. ‘Positive’ primarily represents values and assumptions. These lead to the creation of beneficial situations and marked improvements, which put individuals and organizations on an upward trajectory toward achieving (...)
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    Cuestiones de Metafísica.Abel Miró, Natán Verdés, Francesc Marquès, Albert Piguillem, Andreu Cacho & Gerard Masmitjà - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (1):11-34.
    Los seis textos que se incluyen a continuación contienen una breve reflexión sobre cuestiones de metafísica. A pesar de la diversidad de las temáticas, hay en todas ellas una mirada que les confiere «un aire de familia», a saber, la «mirada metafísica»: «Espiritualidad y religiosidad en Simone Weil», de Natán Verdés; «Metafísica de la psicodelia», de Gerard Masmitjà; «La relación trinitaria en la realidad cosmoteándrica de Raimundo Pánikkar», de Francesc Xavier Marquès; «Introducción a la teología analítica seguida del ejemplo del (...)
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    An efficient coding approach to the debate on grounded cognition.Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5245-5269.
    The debate between the amodal and the grounded views of cognition seems to be stuck. Their only substantial disagreement is about the vehicle or format of concepts. Amodal theorists reject the grounded claim that concepts are couched in the same modality-specific format as representations in sensory systems. The problem is that there is no clear characterization of format or its neural correlate. In order to make the disagreement empirically meaningful and move forward in the discussion we need a neurocognitive criterion (...)
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    The Aesthetic Value of Film.Abel B. Franco - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (2):36-53.
    Abstract:I defend that the distinctive object of our aesthetic evaluation of films is the full emotional experience, taken as a unified whole, that we go through as we watch a film and that I call the viewer's film emotional life. The aesthetic value itself—the positive quality we perceive in the experience of having had a certain film emotional life—is in the significance we experience in that film emotional life insofar as it contributes to the discovery and the exploration of the (...)
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    Go Social! Replies to Abell and Atencia-Linares.Catharine Abell, Paloma Atencia-Linares, Dominic McIver Lopes & Diarmuid Costello - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):207-234.
    Dominic McIver Lopes’ Four Arts of Photography and Diarmuid Costello’s On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry examine the state of the art in analytic philosophy of photography and present a new approach to the study of the medium. As opposed to the orthodox and prevalent view, which emphasizes its epistemic capacities, the new theory reconsiders the nature of photography, and redirects focus towards the aesthetic potential of the medium. This symposium comprises two papers that critically examine central questions addressed in the (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Comics and Genre.Catharine Abell - 2011 - In Aaron Meskin, Roy T. Cook & Warren Ellis, The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 68--84.
    An adequate account of the nature of genre and of the criteria for genre membership is essential to understanding the nature of the various categories into which comics can be classified. Because they fail adequately to distinguish genre categories from other ways of categorizing works, including categorizations according to medium or according to style, previous accounts of genre fail to illuminate the nature of comics categories. I argue that genres are sets of conventions that have developed as means of addressing (...)
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  21. Hugh MacColl and Lewis Carroll: Crosscurrents in geometry and logic.Francine F. Abeles & Amirouche Moktefi - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15:55-76.
    Dans une lettre adressée à Bertrand Russell, le 17 mai 1905, Hugh MacColl raconte avoir abandonné l’étude de la logique après 1884, pendant près de treize ans, et explique que ce fut la lecture de l’ouvrage de Lewis Carroll, Symbolic Logic (1896), qui ralluma le vieux feu qu’il croyait éteint. Dès lors, il publie de nombreux articles contenant certaines de ses innovations majeures en logique. L’objet de cet article est de discuter la familiarité de MacColl et son appréciation du travail (...)
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    Our Everyday Aesthetic Evaluations of Architecture.Abel B. Franco - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (4):393-412.
    I argue that our everyday evaluations of architecture are primarily evaluations of spaces and, in particular, of their inhabitability— that is, whether they serve or can serve to the realization of our individual ideal of life. Inhabitability is not only a functional criterion but an aesthetic one as well. It is aesthetic insofar as the evaluations about inhabitability include evaluations about the quality of the experience of actually doing something in —or simply occupying—a particular space. This aesthetic aspect of our (...)
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    La philosophie moderne.Abel Rey - 1908 - Paris: E. Flammarion.
    Excerpt from La Philosophie Moderne Personne, j'espere, ne croira que j'ai eu la preten tion de traiter en trois cents pages de la philosophie moderne au sens plein de cette expression. J'ai seulement voulu faire un expose sommaire de la forme sous laquelle les grands problemes de la philo sophie se posent a l'heure actuelle. Et ce titre con viendrait beaucoup plus precisement a cet ouvrage si les couvertures de nos livres se pretaient a un pareil allongement. About the Publisher (...)
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    Diagramas e Provas.Abel Lassalle Casanave, Bruno Vaz & Sérgio Schultz - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (2).
    A concepção padrão de prova é uma concepção lingüística de prova. No entanto,literatura recente reivindica a legitimidade de provas heterogêneas, isto é, que incorporemrecursos visuais ou gráficos. Tal reivindicação implica em um melhor exame da distinçãoentre representação lingüística e representação gráfica ou visual; concomitantemente, elatambém comporta uma análise da dualidade entre discursivo e intuitivo em filosofia dalógica e da matemática. Neste breve artigo examinamos dois exemplos canônicos de provasheterogêneas, salientando, no entanto, seu caráter discursivo. Em uma também brevesecção final introduzimos (...)
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  25. Hormone Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: An Ethical Analysis.Brendan S. Abel - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s4):23-27.
    In the context of transgender health, most people are not comfortable with allowing a twelve‐year‐old child with gender dysphoria to elect to undergo gender reassignment surgery. The likelihood is too high that the child would be unable to fully comprehend the scope of a decision that carries significant, permanent consequences, particularly because the decision to surgically change gender is based upon a conception of gender that can fluctuate during adolescent years. Conversely, however, most people would not contend that this fluidity (...)
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    Science Outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2015 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The conduct of most of social science occurs outside the laboratory. Such studies in field science explore phenomena that cannot for practical, technical, or ethical reasons be explored under controlled conditions. These phenomena cannot be fully isolated from their environment or investigated by manipulation or intervention. Yet measurement, including rigorous or clinical measurement, does provide analysts with a sound basis for discerning what occurs under field conditions, and why. In Science Outside the Laboratory, Marcel Boumans explores the state of measurement (...)
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    Built-in justification.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    In several accounts of what models are and how they function a specific view dominates. This view contains the following characteristics. First, there is a clear-cut distinction between theories, models and data and secondly, empirical assessment takes place after the model is built. This view in which discovery and justification are disconnected is not in accordance with several practices of mathematical business-cycle model building. What these practices show is that models have to meet implicit criteria of adequacy, such as satisfying (...)
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    Enthymemathical proofs and canonical proofs in Euclid's plane geometry.Abel Lassalle & Marco Panza - 2018 - In Claudio Bartocci, The Philosophers and Mathematics. Springer Verlag. pp. 127-144.
    Since the application of Postulate I.2 in Euclid's Elements is not uniform, one could wonder in what way should it be applied in Euclid's plane geometry. Besides legitimizing questions like this from the perspective of a philosophy of mathematical practice, we sketch a general perspective of conceptual analysis of mathematical texts, which involves an extended notion of mathematical theory as system of authorizations, and an audience-dependent notion of proof.
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    Imaginaire et société dans la littérature africaine francophone.Abel Kouvouama - 2004 - Hermes 40:280.
    Une lecture critique de quelques romans et contes, permet de dégager des propriétés induites par le rapport central entre le réel et l'imaginaire, dans la littérature africaine francophone. En effet, la pluralité et la complexité des contextes linguistiques et historiques, tous tramés par l'oralité, engendrent une « surconscience linguistique » qui promeut le texte écrit au rang d'« acte de langage » . Cela se traduit par la création d'un «capital pensé» , constitué d'espaces historiques fictionnels et imaginaires éclatés et (...)
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  30. Space and place : two aspects of the human-landscape relationship.Marcel Hunziker, Matthias Bucheker & Terry Hartig - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh, A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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  31. Liberal society, emancipation and antisemitism, why current debates on antisemitism need more dialectic of enlightenment.Marcel Stoetzler - 2009 - In Stefano Giacchetti Ludovisi & G. Agostini Saavedra, Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future: Critical Theory. University of Delaware.
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  32. Measurement Outside the Laboratory.Marcel Boumans - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):850-863.
    The kinds of models discussed in this paper function as measuring instruments. We will concentrate on two necessary steps for measurement: (1) the search of a mathematical representation of the phenomenon; (2) this representation should cover an invariant relationship between the properties of the phenomenon to be measured and observable accociated attributes of a measuring instrument. Therefore, the measuring instrument should function as a nomological machine. However, invariant relationships are not necessarily ceteris paribus regularities, but could also occur when the (...)
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  33. McIntosh's Unrealistic Picture of Peacocke and Hopkins on Realistic Pictures.C. Abell - 2005 - British Journal of Aesthetics 45 (1):64-68.
    I defend Christopher Peacocke's and Robert Hopkins's experienced resemblance accounts of depiction against criticisms put forward by Gavin McIntosh in a recent article in this journal. I argue that, while there may be reasons for rejecting Peacocke's and Hopkins's accounts, McIntosh fails to provide any.
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    Intellectual Substance as Form of the Body in Aquinas.Donald C. Abel - 1995 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 69:227-236.
    This article explains Aquinas's attempt to show, within an Aristotelian framework, how the soul can be both a substance in its own right and the form of the body. I argue that although Aquinas' theory is logically consistent, its plausibility is weakened by the fact that it requires a significant modification of the Aristotelian conceptions of both substance and form.
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    On the definition of life.Abel Schejter & Joseph Agassi - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (1):97 - 106.
    Schrödinger's definition of life needs a slight modification to absorb the criticism of it. It is the comparison of the entropy level of a system before and after a process which makes one view it as living: we consider the stability of the deviation from the probable a sign of life. This explains why we do not hesitate to consider as remnants of living systems skeletons and fossils anywhere and physical culture on any archeological site.
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    Mirages of the negative - the human experience in Descartes and psychoanalysis.Abel dos Santos Beserra - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):96-110.
    The present article seeks to investigate how, from modernity onward, based on Descartes' philosophy, the understanding of human experience and the modern subject began to rely on some notion of the negative. In order to examine how this extends into contemporaneity, the study also explores how psychoanalysis, in its Freudian and Lacanian forms, also describes the the subject's experience based on an idea of the negative. The hypothesis we put forth is that a certain idea of the negative emerges as (...)
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    How Economists Model the World Into Numbers.Marcel Boumans - 2005 - Routledge.
    Economics is dominated by model building, therefore a comprehension of how such models work is vital to understanding the discipline. This book provides a critical analysis of the economist's favourite tool, and as such will be an enlightening read for some, and an intriguing one for others.
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  38. Which Kind of Causal Specificity Matters Biologically?Marcel Weber - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (3):574-585.
    Griffiths et al. (2015) have proposed a quantitative measure of causal specificity and used it to assess various attempts to single out genetic causes as being causally more specific than other cellular mechanisms, for example, alternative splicing. Focusing in particular on developmental processes, they have identified a number of important challenges for this project. In this discussion note, I would like to show how these challenges can be met.
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    Cartesian Passions: Our (Imperfect) Natural Guides Towards Perfection.Abel B. Franco - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Research 41:401-438.
    I defend that Cartesian passions are a function—in fact, the only function—of the mind-body union responsible for guiding us in the pursuit of our (natural) perfection, a perfection that we increase by joining goods that our nature deems to be so. This view is in conflict, on one hand, with those (a majority) who have emphasized either the epistemic or survival role of our passions and, on the other and more precisely, with a recent proposal according to which Cartesian passions (...)
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    L'indulgence dans la compréhension du langage et des signes.Günter Abel - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):85-105.
    Cette contribution resitue tout d’abord le principe d’indulgence ou de charité dans la philosophie analytique et l’herméneutique contemporaines. La version maximaliste de ce principe, qui invite à présupposer comme vrai ce que l’autre tient pour vrai, est critiquée et rectifiée dans le cadre du caractère interprétatif de la compréhension. La critique du principe d’indulgence est défendue par rapport à la fiction davidsonienne d’un interprète omniscient ou d’un herméneute omnipotent. L’article conclut sur la nécessité de saisir la compréhension comme une interprétation (...)
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    Chateaubriand's logicism.Abel Casanave - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):13-20.
    In his doctoral dissertation, O. Chateaubriand favored Dedekind’s analysis of the notion of number; whereas in Logical Forms, he favors a fregean approach to the topic. My aim in this paper is to examine the kind of logicism he defends. Three aspects will be considered: the concept of analysis; the universality of arithmetical properties and their definability; the irreducibility of arithmetical objects.
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    Lewis Carroll's Formal Logic.Francine Abeles - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):33-46.
    Charles L. Dodgson's reputation as a significant figure in nineteenth-century logic was firmly established when the philosopher and historian of philosophy William Warren Bartley, III published Dodgson's ?lost? book of logic, Part II of Symbolic Logic, in 1977. Bartley's commentary and annotations confirm that Dodgson was a superb technical innovator. In this paper, I closely examine Dodgson's methods and their evolution in the two parts of Symbolic Logic to clarify and justify Bartley's claims. Then, using more recent publications and unpublished (...)
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    Lewis Carroll: Logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Lewis Carroll: Logic Charles L. Dodgson, 1832-1898, was a British mathematician, logician, and the author of the ‘Alice’ books, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. His fame derives principally from his literary works, but in the twentieth century some of his mathematical … Continue reading Lewis Carroll: Logic →.
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    Les figures narratives et descriptives de l’utopie : entre nature et communauté / société.Abel Kouvouama - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):53-63.
    Cet article a pour but principal d’analyser la nature de l’utopie. Une fois posé un cadre conceptuel, on se penche, à l’aide d’exemples précis, sur ses figures narratives et descriptives en rapport avec le mythe et l’idéologie dans les champs de la philosophie, de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie. Appréhendée dans sa double acception contradictoire, à la fois comme cité du bonheur et de la perfection « Eu-topos » et/ou cité de nulle part « Ou-topos » selon Thomas (1517), l’utopie (...)
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  45. Zeichen der Wahrheit – Wahrheit der Zeichen.Günter Abel - 2010 - Nietzsche Studien 39 (1):17-38.
    Der vorliegende Aufsatz diagnosiziert im Sinne Nietzsche eine Krise des traditionellen Wahrheitsbegriffs, in dem Wahrheit als metaphysische Wahrheit verstanden wurde, die den Wahrheitsbegriffs, in dem Wahrheit als metaphysische Warheit verstanden wurde, die den Wahrheitsträgern zeitlos, zeichenunvermittelt und interperationsunabhängig zukommt. Die Kritik an diesem Verständnis bedient sich sowohl der Unterscheidung zwischen einem engen und einem weiten Sinn als auch der Gegenüberstellung einer alten und einer neuen Rede von Wahrheit. Letztere wird mit Hilfe eines drei-stufigen Modells der Zeichen- und Interpretationsverhältnisse entfaltet. Dadurch (...)
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    Touching Urban Spaces With Our Life. How We Experience Cities Aesthetically.Abel B. Franco - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):61-82.
    I explore one distinctive aspect of our relation to spaces which is particularly significant in our everyday aesthetic evaluations of cities (urban spaces): the frequent use of linguistic expressions referring to the sense of touch. We say that a space is oppressive or expansive, or warm or cold, or (more indirectly) cozy or desolate. Touching, as involved in these expressions, seems to refer, rather than to the contact of a physical object with our skin, to a sort of touching with (...)
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  47. Causal Selection versus Causal Parity in Biology: Relevant Counterfactuals and Biologically Normal Interventions.Marcel Weber - forthcoming - In Waters C. Kenneth & Woodward James, Philosophical Perspectives on Causal Reasoning in Biology. Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science. Vol. XXI. University of Minnesota Press.
    Causal selection is the task of picking out, from a field of known causally relevant factors, some factors as elements of an explanation. The Causal Parity Thesis in the philosophy of biology challenges the usual ways of making such selections among different causes operating in a developing organism. The main target of this thesis is usually gene centrism, the doctrine that genes play some special role in ontogeny, which is often described in terms of information-bearing or programming. This paper is (...)
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    La fragilité conjugale.Olivier Abel - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 174 (4):85-94.
    Après avoir présenté l’oscillation contemporaine entre un excès d’attention à la conjugalité au détriment de la filiation, puis un excès d’attention à la filiation au détriment de la conjugalité, et la spécificité de chacun de ces liens, l’auteur cherche à comprendre la fragilité conjugale actuelle à travers une histoire des idées et des images du couple amoureux en Occident. L’invention du mariage amoureux, qui coïncide avec l’invention du divorce (J. Milton), son apothéose avec le cinéma parlant hollywoodien, laissent aujourd’hui la (...)
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  49. Ethical Promises and Pitfalls of OneHealth.Marcel Verweij & Bernice Bovenkerk - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):1-4.
    Emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, Hendra, SARS, West Nile, Hepatitis E and avian influenza have led to a renewed recognition of how diseases in human beings, wildlife and livestock are interlinked. The changing prevalence and spread of such infections are largely determined by human activities and changes in environment and climate—where the latter are often also caused by human activities. Since the beginning of the 21st century, these insights have been brought together under the heading of OneHealth—a concept that (...)
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    Eco-culture, development, and architecture.Chris Abel - 1993 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 6 (3):10-28.
    This article examines the prospects for an authentic regional architecture in the light of alternative development paradigms. It is argued that the failure of orthodox development strategies and the domination of western culture, including architecture, over non-Western cultures, is due to fundamental imbalances between northern and southern economic structures. By contrast, ecodevelopment, appropriate technology and regional architecture all represent significant devolutionary movements toward a global “eco-culture.” A cultural typology placing eco-culture in historical perspective is outlined. It is concluded that, to (...)
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